Virginia City Hill Climb

Virginia City Hill Climb: Big Red Conquers the Mountain

The Virginia City Hill Climb, known as the “Nürburgring of Nevada,” is an electrifying event set in the historic silver mining town of Virginia City, Nevada. This challenging race spans 5.2 miles of open highway, featuring 22 sharp turns and a steep climb of 1,200 feet in elevation. Renowned for its breathtaking scenery and daunting path, the hill climb presents a unique and perilous adventure where pushing too hard can have fatal consequences, as evidenced by the tragic losses in previous years.

Big Red Camaro - Virginia City Hill Climb
Big Red Camaro car
Big Red Camaro car

In this legendary race, Big Red, the iconic ’69 Camaro owned by Dan and RJ Gottlieb, took to the mountain with a mix of reverence and bold ambition. Known for its brute power and classic American muscle heritage, Big Red was equipped with a less powerful but more maneuverable 540 engine, specifically tailored for the demanding turns and elevation changes of the hill climb.

The event was not without its trials. During initial runs, Big Red faced mechanical challenges, including a clutch issue that required swift and expert repairs by the dedicated team. Despite these hurdles, RJ Gottlieb, demonstrating his deep connection with Big Red, quickly adapted to the demanding course, pushing the car to its limits while respecting the inherent dangers of the race.

The climax of the event saw RJ and Big Red not only mastering the hill but also securing a spot in the prestigious 3:41 Club, achieving a remarkable time that placed them among the top competitors. This impressive performance was a testament to the skill of the driver and the relentless spirit of the Big Red team, who together showcased the versatility and enduring legacy of this remarkable vehicle.

As the sun set on Virginia City, the team reflected on a race well-run and a machine that, once again, proved its mettle in one of the most thrilling and risky motorsport events in America. Big Red’s participation in the Virginia City Hill Climb added yet another exhilarating chapter to its storied history, continuing to inspire and captivate car enthusiasts around the world.

Big Red Camaro car
Big Red Camaro car
Big Red Camaro Drivers