big red head restraint seat - Richard Gottlieb

In 2013, RJ wanted to start running SCTA events like El Mirage and Bonneville, so the crew had to make considerable changes, including safety equipment. One of those changes was the addition of a driver’s helmet support (aka head-support system) to limit lateral movement in case of a crash. The problem with installing a head-support system is that a requirement of the length of the support bars had to extend so far forward. The addition of the bars would block RJ from getting in and out of Big Red, so Dave and the guys devised a support system that had a quick-release pin that allowed the support to be moved out of the way for ingress and egress. Once installed, they covered the support bars with custom pads.

The quick-release pin can be operated in two ways: The first is the safety ring that can be pulled by safety crew in an emergency, or just by the crew members when RJ pulls into the pits. The second is a cable release operated by an adapted bicycle brake-handle lever assembly. The end of the cable pulls the same pin as the basic safety ring. The handle makes it extremely easy for RJ to operate the head-support system while strapped into the driver’s seat. The removable support bar is spring loaded, so once released, it easily pops forward and out of the car to be set aside. With RJ in the driver’s seat, the helmet supports definitely limit lateral movement. The support bar system is kept in place while running all racing events